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November 2010
swap? i have a harrington - trapped by language to trade, by whl10 on Apr 10, 2014 14:16:39 GMT 1, Hi - I have a Conor Harrington Trapped By Language that keeps getting pushed down my framing queue. Was wondering if someone out there with similar taste as me would be open to a trade?
I have cash to add to uneven trades would be interested in other harrington pieces, invader, and ROA (remember i have cash ), faile, and kaws
not necessarily have to be from that list but gives you an idea of what im into.
edit: i live in usa if that makes a difference one way or another.
Hi - I have a Conor Harrington Trapped By Language that keeps getting pushed down my framing queue. Was wondering if someone out there with similar taste as me would be open to a trade? I have cash to add to uneven trades would be interested in other harrington pieces, invader, and ROA (remember i have cash ), faile, and kaws not necessarily have to be from that list but gives you an idea of what im into. edit: i live in usa if that makes a difference one way or another.